Our partners

Although Promotal Medconnect is present in France, we also have distribution agreements with several companies, do not hesitate to contact them if you have a project in their area.

Nos partenaires
Schiller logo

Ophir Technologies

Distributors and integration of technological solutions for the medical sector.
Our solutions are designed to allow healthcare professionals to ensure a better care for their patients. They adapt to any type of establishment, at each level of the health pyramid. Our vocation is to make quality health care accessible to all, geographically and economically, in a sustainable and socially responsible approach.

Schiller France

SCHILLER FRANCE is the leader in France in the development, production and distribution of medical devices for cardiopulmonary diagnosis, patient monitoring and emergency medicine. With its Research & Development and Production center located in Alsace, Schiller offers innovations that perfectly meet the French market.

And you?

Do you want to become a distributor or business provider? Do not hesitate to contact us

Contact us